On 3/5/23 05:13, Óscar García Amor wrote:
The method is simple as you simply need two partitions on the two
disks. The first one on each disk is the ESP and the second one is the
one you are going to use for the btrfs raid. Then you simply mount the
raid1 between both partitions btrfs[1] and the ESP partition you also
use it as boot.
Hi Óscar
This is good approach as there are systemd drivers for btrfs. Its clean,
simple and transparent.
I would keep separate boot partition(s) - using XBOOTLDR - these can
also be mirrored using btrfs. As you said, you now only need to sync
<esp> and with kernels and initrds on separate boot, the <esp> will
rarely change.
- 2 x <esp> - kept in sync
- boot - btrfs raid-1 (data and metadata)
- root - btrfs raid-1 (data and metadata)
I like it.
The key to every approach with dual disk boot capability is having
separate <esp> on different disks. Other than that, its a only a
question of how much can be on safely mirrored disk and whats left to sync.
I would definitely consider this for a fresh install or perhaps where
the 2 disks can be set up that are separate from the existing boot disk.
At least until they 2 are working - to minimize down time.