I haven't had any issues with
either Firefox or Thunderbird right-click menus with X and i3
(previously i3-gaps).
On 1/17/23 06:39, Wesley Kerfoot wrote:
I've been having the same issue for months with
Firefox, using XMonad. I doubt this is a DE-caused issue.
Possibly something to do with X. Might be worth testing it under
Hey guys,
I dont know where to report this, as it could be related to
thunderbird or gnome (or any other desktop related software).
In the last 1-2 Weeks (I dont update that often) I noticed
that after
some time (have not found a reproducible reason) right clicks,
context menus in genral in Firefox stop working at all. The
menu pops up
for a few milliseconds and then disappear.
When you restart firefox everything works again. I noticed the
same isse
in thunderbird too, which is also by mozilla. I did not notice
it in any
other application. I am using gnome as Desktop environment.
Do you have the same issue? Any hint if this is a gnome,
firefox or
other issue?