This topic has now been discussed ad nauseam. So lets cap it off. There are no rules saying you have to obfuscate the email, and it is merely retained in the documentation as a tip people can follow if they wish to do so. "Remember to disguise your email to protect against spam. Additional or unneeded lines are facultative. Be aware this will make it more difficult for actual users to email you, so obfuscate like shown below only if necessary."
This seems pretty much a rule to me, but that might be me taking this quote a little too seriously, and I have already discussed numerous times to remove this useless comment within the AUR submission guide, I managed to pass in a little edit without any complaints a while back to try to fight against obfuscation:
"Be aware this will make it more difficult for actual users to email you, so obfuscate like shown below only if necessary."
But I have realised this edit is futile, and I doubt anyone actually even read the fact that it makes it harder for the userbase.
Like I have said in one of my emails on this topic, I strongly believe we shouldn't even reference obfuscation of emails in the submission guide, as currently it is quite clearly "officially recommended" by the AUR team, for something which does not even work replacing "." with "dot" and "@" with "at" is ineffective, and all it is going to do is confuse people.
You say this but you will start getting emails from people stating you are not following the AUR submission guidelines and you should review them OR they start asking you "Oh why did you not obfuscate your email address, do you want to be spammed?"AUR is never going to be moderated to retain any one format beyond the Maintainer/Contributor tag and that it should preferably be smiliar to "Some Name <some email>", How people insert this into the PKGBUILDs is for them to decide.
Maybe I am being narrow minded, and not seeing the full picture here, but I do not see how subsituting characters for words makes a blind bit of difference for a bot, but it makes a huge difference for users which would like to email you for valid reasons.
At the very least can we not make it seem like a "helpful tip" to obfuscate email addresses, I can write a full ArchWiki page on the pros and cons of obfuscation of emails, unfortunately they would be all cons and no pros to it.
Also just because moderators will let it slide, I wonder if it would be a term of rejection from the TU application for "not following standard packaging guidelines", but you would have to tell me that because you are the administrator here.
Thanks, -- Polarian GPG signature: 0770E5312238C760 Website: https://polarian.dev JID/XMPP: polarian@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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