Be terrific if someone could provide an update on where things
stand for arch migration to Openssl 3?
We're coming up on the 1 year anniversary of openssl 3 with 3.0.4
released last week. As I recall there was some work happening to ensure
things continue to work properly.
My loose understanding is that openssl 3 has ABI changes but the API
changes seem to be quite limited.
The arch tracker site [1] shows 26 core packages as incomplete - though
it's bit unclear from the site what the actual problems are. It also
shows many many other packages similarly "incomplete"
Fedora 36, which was released May 10 this year is, I believe, built
against openssl 3. This at least strongly suggests that most "normal"
packages work fine with rebuild of recent versions. We always have
recent versions :)
Taking a couple of examples from the tracker page [1]:
1) openssh
shows the current version as incomplete.
The openssh docs suggest openssl 3 support was
made available in version 8.1p1 while it was still in dev.
2) cryptsetup -
seems to be compatible as of 2.4.0.
current version is 2.4.3).
Only reference I found was redhat [2]
3) kmod - was unable to find any known issues.
fedora 36 kmod is built against openssl 3
and it presumably is ok.
4) systemd - best I can tell there were some issues but they have
been resolved (including license issues)
1 example is [3]
Be great to get an update from those who, unlike me, really
know :)