All, As mentioned in an earlier thread, the new pacman current/total update scheme causes the old KDE3/TDE konsole output to look jittery instead of updating the multi-line progress bar. I'm trying to track down why so we can patch TDE konsole to fix the problem, but I'm having a difficult time chasing down just exactly what is being written that is causing the problem. I've chased through callback.c: static void dload_progress_event(const char *filename, alpm_download_event_progress_t *data) Where the update is done, Either with console_cursor_goto_bar(index) for the current file or console_cursor_move_end() for the total and those are simple ANSI escapes from util.c: /* Moves console cursor `lines` up */ void console_cursor_move_up(unsigned int lines) { printf("\x1B[%dF", lines); } /* Moves console cursor `lines` down */ void console_cursor_move_down(unsigned int lines) { printf("\x1B[%dE", lines); } /* Erases line from the current cursor position till the end of the line */ void console_erase_line(void) { printf("\x1B[K"); } What is it that the new pacman is doing with the multi-line progress bar TDE/konsole lacks? -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.