Le 04/11/2021 à 02:10, Sam Mulvey a écrit :
On 11/3/21 12:27, Archange wrote:
Thanks Jonas, you wrote the mail I wanted to sent. :)
Yet you said it again.
Because I had other things to add, like examples of what is a good
contribution. ;)
It took two people with an official email address to tell me how wrong
I am. This is such a perfect example of the problem that it kind of
hurts. There's a word I've been trying to avoid using, because it's
pretty semantically weighted: gatekeeping.
To be honest, if the procedure is gatekeeping from untested pkgver bump,
that’s a good thing (as you said, gatekeeping is not necessarily
terribly wrong). The last thing we want is being flooded of people
posting diff obtained by “incrementing a number in vim”.
Let me cut out the bits here that communicate it, in order:
I’d like to emphasize that contributions are welcome
You want my help.
as long as they are not trivial changes that don’t bring value.
But only if it meets a vague standard set by individual maintainers.
Not that much vague: if it took you no time to do it and basically boils
down to “incrementing a number in vim”, then it has no value. Everything
outside of that is likely a worthy contribution. :)
this is also a way to get yourself known by dev/TUs
But I also have to *know the right people*. Yikes
I think you read this sentence backwards. You don’t have to *know the
right people* to contribute, I did not know anyone when I started
contributing, but contributing is how you get to be known from dev/TUs
if you want to later apply as one. So it works the other way around.
For everything else I think Jonas already answered what could be, we
don’t know what your experience with other/former team members was but
we take seriously issue people can have when trying to contribute, hence
feel free to reach us privately if need be so we can get things sorted out.