On 7/20/20 1:34 AM, brent s. wrote:
Because the binaries formerly known as "bind-tools" are a part of BIND9 proper[0]. Upstream, by including "bind-tools" binaries in the source for the BIND9 daemon, ipso facto*intends* them to be built (and thusly packaged) together. To do so otherwise is - one can make the argument - *not* The Arch Way[1].
I don't think that's a strong argument for software that is seen (among other things) as a reference implementation, which ISC software often is. If that's the main reason for wrapping the two packages together I would rethink it. This seems like shifting complexity rather than adding to simplicity, so bringing up The Arch Way isn't entirely appropriate.
That said, I don't really have a problem with bind-tools being wrapped into bind. Heck, I'm for getting rid of the *-headers packages for kernels, but I doubt that'll be implemented anytime soon.