I have noticed an issue that update of dhcpcd in the past day or two causes the server running dhcpd to hand out a different IP. The resolv.conf is unchanged - unlike the bug https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/66313?project=1&string=dhcpcd&order=dateopened&sort=desc The fact that the IP changes isn't itself a problem, the fact that it has not behaved like this before is. The side-effect impacts updating Arch boxes across a LAN. You may find yourself unable to connect after a kernel update and reboot when the box comes back up with a different IP. The problem being any local IP caching on the machine being used to do remote updates won't see the change until the lease expires. (or the local nameresolution cache is flushed/restarted -- depends on box and distro used to access the remote Arch box). Has anybody else seen this? Also, if you know, is this just a one-off change with the new package that won't repeat each time dhcpcd or the kernel is updated going forward? -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.