On Sun, 2020-03-22 at 13:34 -0400, Chris Billington wrote: > These repackage the Arch kernels so that multiple versions can be > installed simultaneously, so that after an upgrade the previous > version is still available. If an install should suffer from a kernel regression a Linux live media and running # systemd-nspawn -bqD /mount/point/of/the/broken and then using https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/downgrade/ might help. However, installing different kernel versions could be easily done by using already existing package sources from either the AUR or via https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Build_System and just changing the name. I'm building kernels close to the AUR linux-rt and linux-rt-lts by not only changing the name, but just changing the name does work, too. $ pacman -Q linux{,-rt{,-pussytoes,-cornflower,-securityink}}|cut -d\ -f2 5.5.10.arch1-1 5.4.22_rt13-1.0 5.4.19_rt11-1.0 5.4.17_rt9-1.0 4.19.106_rt45-0