> > Up until yesterday evening, the following setup would allow the Fenrir > screen reader to access the tools it needs to read without root access in > terminal emulators like Xterm: > > groupadd --system input > groupadd --system uinput > echo 'KERNEL==\"event*\", NAME=\"input/%k\", MODE=\"660\", > GROUP=\"input\"' >> /etc/udev/rules.d/99-input.rules > echo 'KERNEL==\"uinput\", SUBSYSTEM==\"misc\", > OPTIONS+=\"static_node=uinput\", TAG+=\"uaccess\", GROUP=\"uinput\"' >> > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-fenrirscreenreader.rules > > Now, however, while it can still read the screen, the keyboard does > nothing. Has something changed, and if so, what do I need to do differently > to get it working again? > What kind of keyboard is it?? You mention xterm, so you're running XOrg I presume? -- damjan