Topic: Email Suggest: New package for officia repo [2] MTA-STS is taking off and the major email providers are supporting it. Details are described in RFC8461 [1] from Sep 2018. As of now it has support by Google (gmail), yahoo, comcast, hotmail and others. MTA-STS is a new standard that aims to improve the security of SMTP by enabling domain names to opt into strict transport layer security mode that requires authentication (with valid public certificates) and encryption (TLS). There are 2 components to this (a) Sending: Making email server advertise mta-sts (b) Receivng: Postfix needs policy daemon (a) is pretty straightforward to set up, (b) requires a daemon to support the policy for incoming mail. It would be pretty awesome if someone would think about an offocial postfix-mta-sts-resolve package [2]. Postfix can use this daemon - see some discussion on this here [5] where Wietse got involved as well. There is an AUR package but it is quite out of date and I think this would actually be better to be in the official repos if someone was interested in taking it on. Probably as an optional package for postfix This is important for any business use and of course for anyone running their own mail server on Arch. Over time it is likely that any server which does not turn this on at least for sending may find their email being disadvantaged. There are several places where this is discussed in more detail - here's a couple for convenience [3]. Thanks, gene [1] [2] [3] [5]