Am 22.07.2018 um 11:27 schrieb Peter Nabbefeld:
I've updated my installation yesterday, also doing an update of the
Linux kernel to 4.17.8. When starting this morning, kernel modules
rejected to load, so I even couldn't access the internet.
I've downgraded Linux now to 4.17.2, but still have some problems
(probably because I only downgraded the kernel itself).
I cannot find the error message from the service again, sorry, so I
cannot tell You, it had to do with some security parameter not set.
According to the description of kernel downgrading in the wiki, I
should have downgraded linux-headers, too, but these are not in my
package cache - are they included in the kernel package now?
How can I find out, which other kernel modules need to be downgraded?
Kind regards
AFAIR, it was sth. starting with "crypt_"