I use Arch Linux in a corporate environment (YEAH :D) I usually update my system using this in the mirrorlist: Server=http://archive.archlinux.org/repos/2017/03/23/$repo/os/$arch (Whenever I actually want to update my system, I just edit the date in the mirror, this way I can make sure I update to a state which is tested at home already.) The sysadmin has created a proxy rule for me that allows me to reach the server through the company proxy using this: http_proxy=proxy.company.biz:8080 pacman -Syu So far this worked well, however some weeks ago it stopped working saying error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from archive.archlinux.org : Connection timed out after 10935 milliseconds The sysadmin says he can see my packet go through the proxy. I can't use another mirror for testing, as the proxy rule allows me to reach only archive.archlinux.org. Is it possible that my work IP address where I connect from ( gets rejected at archive.archlinux.org?