Hi all, If someone is familiar with mpd (user, non root) + ncmpcpp on Arch, perhaps can help me out... Whenever I move forward/backward on the same playing track (f/b), mpd just hangs, usually so hard, that mpd needs to be restarted to do anything. A workaround is to pause the track, and then move forward/backward, and then play again, most of the time that works... When playing a track, and then moving to next/prior track (>/<), then mpd hangs. To get it back alive, it's enough to stop mpd (s), and start any track (enter). The pause work around for moving forward/backward on the same track doesn't work, mpd keeps hanging, but stopping mpd (s), and starting any track (enter) works. Stopping mpd (s), to move to the next track as a work around doesn't work, given there's no current track playing, therefore mpd can find the next... So it's sort of weird that moving around where to play mpd, kinds of makes it hang... BTW, I have 2 mpd outputs, the pulse output but also a visual fifo, however by keeping only the pulse audio doesn't help, so It's not related to the visual fifo... Any hint would be appreciated... Thanks a lot, -- Javier