Hello list,
I'd like to get some feedback on this pull request discussion over at
Arch Linux ARM: https://github.com/archlinuxarm/PKGBUILDs/pull/1444
(Backup: http://pastebin.com/x8H0mNiE)
Short summary: I wanted to contribute a simple patch to enable support
for Banana Pi hardware. I tried that a few years back and got besides
some other concerns the answer that it cannot be added, because at this
time there were no upstream support and I accepted that.
This is no longer the case, so I thought it must be possible to add
support now.
I also noticed a few other pull request trying exactly that, which were
instantly closed by Kevin Mihelich without any reasonable explanation.
That's why I expected some resistance and prepared myself to
counterargument a few of his concerns.
And I think I did quite good. Good enough to make him ignore me.
Why am I writing this to the Arch Linux mailing list? Well, for quite
some time I thought Arch Linux ARM is Arch Linux. And I think there are
a lot more out there who think so.
Therefore I think behavior like this could hurt the overall reputation
of Arch Linux. Especially if a future goal of Arch Linux might be ARM
support and Kevin Mihelich somehow joins the team.
Did I miss something? Do I expect too much? I don't know.
Christopher Reimer