Hi, I've been using Linux since 1996. My first distro was slackware. Have tried pretty much all of the most common distros, debian, redhat(centos,fedora), gentoo, ubuntu, etc etc, also been running FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, long list of OSs. Now im on ARCH since 2012, still rollin' (haha), and i must say, compared to everything else i've tried (including C64, VIC20, Spectrum, Amiga, OS/2, mac os,solaris,Windows,VMS, Ultrix,IRIX, etc etc) this is by far the most complete distribution/OS that i've ever tried. Fantastic documentation, fantastic community, fantastic *. It really pushes people into learning stuff the right way. By teaching the basics of the OS platform and providing the tools to build on. Arch linux is SOLID. All the way. Teaching how to fish instead of giving away fish. Thank you and i wish you all i fantastic 2017. Cheers! -- Alexander Bustamante