On 15/03/16 09:05, Dan Haworth wrote:
On 15/03/16 06:29, David C. Rankin wrote:
I need to downgrade php from 7 to 5.6. I built the 5.6.19 package
from AUR and
I'm now at the install stage. Before I do I thought I would ask if I
need to
remove php7 before installing php5.6? The PKGBUILD has no 'conflicts' or
'replaces' specified and they are prefixed differently (e.g. php and
php56), but
what I am unclear on is how my applications will know which one to use?
This was necessitate when php7 broke part of my groupware package
(webdav/caldav/carddav) that I need working until those can be upgraded.
Do I just install php56 along side php7 or remove php7 first?
If removed, then I set IgnorePkg in packman.conf
I have both php7 and php 5.6 from the AUR installed concurrently with
no problems whatsoever. The php 5.6 binaries are installed in an
alternative location and postfixed with *56 (e.g. php56).
I've been running this for several weeks without issues :)
Oh, forgot to mention.. the 56 aur packages install mod-php as
libphp56.so - just "LoadModule php5_module modules/libphp56.so" in your
Apache conf (if that's what you're using) and all works well.