Hi, today's Deltup failed [1]. Commenting out UseDelta the update worked without an issue. I wont use it any more, but I'm willing to send a bug report. Were should I report this issue? Regards, Ralf [1] checking delta integrity... applying deltas... generating linux-firmware-20150904.6ebf5d5-1-any.pkg.tar.xz with linux-firmware-20150722.e10097a-1_to_20150904.6ebf5d5-1-any.delta... success! (5/5) checking keys in keyring [-------------------------------------------] 100% (5/5) checking package integrity [-------------------------------------------] 100% error: linux-firmware: signature from "Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <jan.steffens@xxxxxxxxx>" is invalid :: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/linux-firmware-20150904.6ebf5d5-1-any.pkg.tar.xz is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)). Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package) Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.