Hmm... If the other message wen through, my apologies, it is completely
On 19/12/14 17:13, Ciprian Dorin Craciun wrote:
Hello all!
I'm in a little bit of a pickle, and I would like to ask for some help
with my particular setup.
I haven't switched to `systemd` and I'm still booting my system with
the old `initscripts` `/etc/rc.sysinit` and friends (except this all
the packages are up-to-date). Before updating `systemd` from 216 to
217, it still worked.
Arch switched to systemd two years ago. Using other init is not
supported in core, so you are on your own. Yes, you can use any init
system you wish but don't expect to get support for it except from a
very small niche of stalwart users. And runit is far more exotic than
SysV init.
P.S.: Just to be clear, I don't want to start a systemd flame war.
My reason for not using it is simple: I already use `runit` and
custom scripts for all my services (except `udevd` and `agetty`), and
my setup relies on somewhat modified `/etc/rc.d/functions` script for
encrypted devices.
You would be better off using Void Linux I think. Back up your custom
setup and try with that.
Pedro Alejandro López-Valencia