Hi, I still need to comment out everything in fstab, excepted of / (it does include home) to boot Arch Linux, so at least I'm able to boot. Anyway, each time I boot, I get a message that the superblock's last write time was in the future, it always gets fixed and than always the / partition is checked. The Arch Linux partition is an ext3 FS, so I run fsck.ext3 -p from a live media and it pretended too, that the issue is fixe, but it isn't. JFTR the hardware clock does work correctly. I suspect it isn't related to the perl pain, that makes a lot of important software from AUR unusable on my machine. Could systemd be the culprit? [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ grep systemd /var/log/pacman.log | grep 2014-06-04 [2014-06-04 08:34] [PACMAN] upgraded libsystemd (212-3 -> 213-5) [2014-06-04 08:34] [PACMAN] upgraded systemd (212-3 -> 213-5) [2014-06-04 08:34] [PACMAN] upgraded systemd-sysvcompat (212-3 -> 213-5) I could restore my Arch from a backup to fix it, but than I wouldn't know what packages to upgrade and what package upgrades I need to ignore. JFTR after I booted Arch Linux I can remove the #'s from fstab and mount everything in fstab. Regards, Ralf