On March 27, 2014 9:25:24 AM GMT+02:00, "Thomas Bächler" <thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: >Am 26.03.2014 23:13, schrieb Gesh: >> Thanks for the pointers. >> If I understand what's going on correctly, units specify in their >[Install] section whether, when they're enabled, they should be pulled >in by other units. >> Those symlinks usually populate the appropriate directory under >/etc/systemd/system/. >> Besides that, some packages install symlinks under >/usr/lib/systemd/system/ as part of their files to get pulled in by >other units without requiring user intervention. > >What this means for backing up the configuration is that you simply >back >up /etc/systemd/system without resolving symlinks (and ignore that >those >symlinks point to paths outside of your backup). rsync can do that for >you. This has the benefit of also backing up all permanent unit >overrides and drop-ins that the admin may have made. Basically, if I understood what happens correctly, the units under /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/ - or their targets, if they're symlinks - replace their corresponding units in the dependency graph. In addition, all unit files are installed to /usr/lib/systemd/system/, and the symlinks must have the same name as their targets, so only the symlinks' names need to be backed up. Therefore, only what's under /etc/systemd/system/ needs to be backed up, ignoring symlinks' targets. Besides that, the .wants directories in /usr/lib/systemd/system/ are managed by pacman, and represent upstream decisions to automatically start their units. Is this understanding correct? Thank you for your time, Gesh