Guys, Does anybody know what happened to the package "network-ups-tool" that provided UPS monitoring for CyberPower UPSs and others? I've search packages and I've searched AUR, but the only thing found was a very very old 'nutups' package in AUR that hasn't been updated in more than 2 years. I have an old PKGBUILD for network-ups-tools that I have updated to build on Arch, but it is pre systemd and still installs an init script. If network-ups-tools doesn't exists anymore, then what is a good link that describes how to correctly update the pkgbuild so it creates the needed /usr/lib/systemd/system/ entries and sets/loads the correct usbhid driver? If I have a good link/howto, I'll update it and put it in AUR. Thanks. -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.