On 03/12/13, Christian Hesse wrote: | > Why does everything else that I listed display it properly though? | | As you already noticed: Because it uses another version of libpng. So there's zero backward-compatbility? Seems unlikely. | I think you have three possibilities: | | * The image is not generated dynamically but stored in a database. Simply | update the image with the fixed one. Why? Because 1.6.7 can't handle older files? | * The image is generated dynamically. Probably your server uses a version of | libpng which is really old... Consider updating. The server is an EC2 box, using the Amazon version of RHEL, so yes it is libpng 1.2.49. Still, seems a bit silly for the newest version that Firefox dynamically uses to go "nope, not handling it, error". | * File a bug report for libpng upstream. This seems like the best course of action but, as I said origianlly, if anyone has experience lodging bugs with these guys, I'd appreciate any advice. Cheers. -- Simon Perry (aka Pezz)