I have a machine which has an HDMI monitor and which has sound coming through the monitor via HDMI just fine when playing music from Amarok and login system sounds play fine too. I had selected the appropriate hdmi channel in kmix for all the available audio playback devices. Also I can get sound coming out of the monitor speakers with: aplay -D plughw:0,7 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav However if I run chrome and play a flash video the video I can see fine - but there is no sound. I have read all the available arch wiki articles about hdmi sound including that at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Advanced_Linux_Sound_Architecture#HDMI_Output_Does_Not_Workbut as soon as I make a ~/.asound file with either of the suggested contents KDE immediately tells me that the hdmi sound for that output has been selected to be removed and offers me to make that permanent! This is for an x86_64 arch system all up to date - and I have flashplayer installed. Can anyone guide me as to where to look for a solution that will get this particular system playing sound from flash content on web pages in chrome? I have several other (non-hdmi) systems which have no problem with sound from web pages playing flash content. Thanks -- mike c