On 12/15/2012 at 7:59 PM, "Δημήτρης Ζέρβας" <01ttouch@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > >I have the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 and I set up a chroot >environment with >Arch. I run Xorg server successfully, the S-Pen (digital pen) >works out of >the box with evdev driver, however I can't get the touchscreen to >work. >It's on /dev/input/event1 and I've tried: mtrack, multitouch, >synaptics and >it just don't work. no errors at all. I tried evdev and when I >touch the >screen it throws this [1] and dies. >I also tried xf86-input-evdev-multitouch-git but it throws the >same errors >as the regular evdev >I run e17, but I think that it's not a problem. >my xorg.conf [2] > >[1]: http://pastebin.com/aGAWwDmh >[2]: http://pastebin.com/TCeT9qr7 Have you tried the drivers listed here[1]? Sounds like they could help you. mfg Narve [1]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Touchscreen#Available_X11_drivers