Hi all
I'm not sure how, but I broke my archlinux installation on my internal
hard drive. But I have the arch-installation scripts on my usb arch
install, so I'm installing arch back on to my hard drive. Everything
goes fine until it gets to the point where I set up the network from
within the chroot. I run wifi-menu, which works fine, I select my
network, family_network, enter the wpa2 key, and wait. Sometimes it will
connect, and sometimes it will give me one of two error messages.
Either, ip lease attempt failed, or failed to connect. In either case I
select not to keep the generated profile, and try again. If it does
connect, the internet works fine with a ping to google.com, but if I
touch either the pacman mirrorlist file, or configure pacman in
pacman.conf, and run a pacman -Syy, pacman errors out with a, failed to
retrieve reponame, download library error. I'm stumped. I've varified
that I have the correct wpa passphrase, and that my internet functions
normally. If I exit the chroot, reboot and chroot back in it will work
for a little while, then go out again with the same error.
Am I missing something obvious? or is it an issue with my usb install?
If I try this from the arch iso I downloaded in july, it works. but I
can't easily consult the beginner's guide from the console which is why
I don't use it.
Thanks for any help and sorry for the long message.