On 11/08/2012 10:08 AM, Curtis Shimamoto wrote:
On 11/08/12 at 07:04am, Tom Rand wrote:
I had the same issue so i just went to /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/
& renamed quingy@tty1.service to quingy@tty6.service
then it behaved as expected.
Check out the service file for qingy. It is actually aliased to
qingy@tty1. So I presume copying it over to /etc/systemd/system and
changing that the the tty of your choice would solve that issue.
See the bottom of the service file in the [Install] section.
% cat qingy@.service
cat qingy@.service
Description=Quingy on %I
Just curious (if you know): what should the service file look like for
it to work properly when you issue the systemctl enable command? Should
it be: Alias=getty.target.wants/qingy@%I.service ?