Hi, On 2012-11-02 15:23, Mathieu R. wrote:
Since the update to gnome 3.6, when my laptop goes to suspend 2 ram by have been ideling for 5 minutes, the resume does not work : i got a black screen with mouse cursor, and no way to log in GDM.
I get the same problem after resume under Xfce, unless the screen is locked. The mouse cursor seems to see windows, as its shape changes when I move it, but I don't.
I have to go to another TTY, restart gdm, and log in.
I got to a text console, set $DISPLAY and launched xkill, in case the black background have been a window of some software. No effect (I probably killed a random application). I then sent the lock command to the screen saver. It took over the screen, I unlocked it, and I get back my screen with visible windows. So adding a hook to lock screen to /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep and /etc/pm/sleep.d avoids the problem for me most of the time, even if that doesn't really solve it.
I don't know whether Gnome screen saver will do the same for you, neither the command to activate it, but it's worth to try.
On 2012-11-04 05:05, Martín Cigorraga wrote:
what's your video card? $ lspci | grep -i vga will do it.
I will answer for me: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 01) (It's quite an old beast. On a more recent laptop with more or less the same configuration for the system, I don't have the same problem.)
Also: 1. do you have installed acpi, laptop-mode-tools or pm-utils?
All of them.
2. what does happen if you suspend your system using the pm-suspend tool?
I works as described. On the other hand, suspend from systemd doesn't even success to suspend this laptop. Only hibernate works (with the famous black screen when waking up).
A $ man pm-suspend will give you useful data about the quirks flags you can use.
Tried pm-suspend --quirk-radeon-off with no more success. -- Laurent Dudouet