Am Sat, 22 Sep 2012 10:15:16 +0200 schrieb fredbezies <fredbezies@xxxxxxxxx>: > Don't you read the *important* word : testing ! Are you blind ? I read that. And what goes into [testing]? Yes! Bingo! Software version which are released by upstream as *stable*. So yes, upstream was supposed to have this tested before it went into Arch's [testing]. *rofl* And how do [testing] users update their system when initscripts will be removed? How do you fix a borked Windoze systemd? Right, with a Windoze free LiveCD. How do you fix a borked systemd system? Right, with a systemd free LiveCD. *lol* > Are you stuck in 1690 or are we in the 2010's ? Even in the 2010's it can be better to stuck with 40 years old, well tested software instead of switching to new crap. You don't consider that I'm not against new software and new versions, but I'm against crap. Heiko