On 06/21/2012 09:53 PM, Arno Gaboury wrote:
Dear all,
as I was configuring a conky window on my desktop, I decided to add
some precisions and tips for configuring the *.conkyrc* file in the
Arch WIKI.
Reading any /var/log file needs to be root, thus making difficult to
run any home config file with read access to log files. My turnaround
is to
*$chown root:log /var/log* then *$usermod -aG log username*.
Security wise, I do not know if this can bring serious potential
breach in the system. If yes, please tell me as I will NOT let this
turnaround in the WIKI.
What would be a safer solution to read the log files in my conky window?
Sorry, this mail was itended to [arch-general].