On Sat, 31 Mar 2012 03:03:06 +0200, Heiko Baums <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
I guess aur-general would be the better mailing list for this thread,
since libgringotts is in [community] and maintained by a TU. ;-)
Ah yes, my bad.
Nevertheless I can confirm this bug and pacman -Ql libgringotts indeed
puts out nothing. Severity should be changed to high, btw.
That's again my bad, I guess. I thought "Hey, osmo (which depends on
libgringotts) still works and the bug wrangler can set the severity to
'high' if he thinks it's that important."
Maybe I should have sticked to
https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Reporting_Bug_Guidelines#Severity and
provide a more detailed explanation why is this typo a particularly nasty