On 01/30/2012 04:23 PM, Martti Kühne wrote:
On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 02:19:05PM -0800, Don deJuan wrote:
Well still nothing in the logs that even resemble any help for me
which is becoming frustrating.
Though with further testing what I thought helped does not appear to
have. I was able to shutdown/reboot about 10 times smoothly. Then
after that each shutdown or reboot I tried went back to the old
behavior of having the red screen.
I am back to having to use shutdown -hF 1 or longer wait to get it
to smoothly shutdown or reboot.
Thanks again to those who have offered some insite so far, I will
keep trying more things to see if I can track this down, or fingers
crossed some miraculous update comes that automagically fixes me ;P
Just an idea change some of the shutdown scripts, explicitly unload the
nvidia blob etc and maybe include some kind of "milestone" debug information
in the scripts in /etc/rc.*shutdown ... you might just by accident find the
culprit and get things right with a while kill -0 loop or sleep.
Thanks for more suggestions, I had nothing other than what is stock in
the shutdown files. So i read through more things in relation to
shutting down and openbox. I found someone in the arch forums having
similar issues so I thought I would try it and it seems to be able to do
everything in shutdown/reboot as I would expect. The weird thing is
though when it executes it shows an error as not working properly when
being called through shutdown/reboot but from normal command line it
works as it should. I added
pgrep -P `pidof openbox` | xargs kill -s SIGTERM
sleep 5
it throws an error in regards to pgrep, I believe but it goes by so
quickly I can not read the whole thing.
So not really sure whats going on but even though it does not work 100%
properly it gets passed locking up with a red screen or just with a
cursor. If I can sort this out further I will post back the results and
mark this solved.
Thanks again for the help I have gotten so far.