> I was reading this and it reminded me of what you said Anthony: > http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/UsrMove > > -- > Jonathan Vasquez I'm definitely going to be moving back to my old drive (with the old partition style /dev/sda1 EF02, /dev/sda2 ALL LVM (Boot, /, , swap, home)) and using initramfs. I just finished reading this page on it: http://www.linuxfordevices.com/c/a/Linux-For-Devices-Articles/Introducing-initramfs-a-new-model-for-initial-RAM-disks/ I have to admit.. I am impressed, the reasons why initramfs was made, why it replaced initrd, why it was even necessary in the first place, are very well needed. I'm now sure I would have regretted permanently staying on a system without initramfs and it's definitely was stupid (well there were a few valid reasons why) of me to even think about removing the initrd, but I'm happy I learned all this info. It was a good experience. But now time to move back to my simple kernel/initramfs based system with only 2 parts and 1 has all lvms. -- Jonathan Vasquez