Basically the plot is as follows: you play a character stuck inside a abandoned research and development building. All people have been removed, nd it is locked off from the world. Experiments are continued by a AI called GladOS an evil mastermind. The entire game she pretends to have a cake for you if you complete her challenges. In the end she attempts to kill you after completing the challenges. You spend the rest of the game escaping her and finally destroying her mainframe. The entire time however she is pretending to have cake, and having a party for you, etc. So the joke is that while we pretend to be friends we really want to kill you :P Close enough? On Jan 8, 2012 5:56 AM, "宋文武" <sdl_init@xxxxxxx> wrote: > I do not know about punchline either, then I took an arrow in the knee. > > BTW, how can I include the origin message when using emacs rmail reply? >