On 10/12/2011 02:43 PM, Philipp Überbacher wrote:
Excerpts from Thomas Bächler's message of 2011-10-12 14:06:22 +0200:
Am 12.10.2011 12:54, schrieb Philipp Überbacher:
I'll also try the b43 driver again, but it didn't work for my
[14e4:4315] BCM4312 in the past. Guess it's worth a try though.
So I enabled logging with -d but I don't understand the cause of the
problem from this log (last 500 lines attached). To me it looks like
the laptop gets disassociated, disconnects, scans again and fails with
a timeout. My problem is that I don't know how it's supposed to work.
Which driver was this? The first thing I noticed is that the driver
gives reason 0 (no reason) for disconnecting (it isn't even reason 1,
which would mean "Unspecified"). After disconnecting, it fails to
receive any scan results. I am really out of ideas, but this looks like
a driver problem.
This was with the broadcom-wl (proprietary), but today I tried with the
b43 (free driver, but same proprietary firmware) with the same symptom
but different log messages. The definitive difference is that it tries
to scan over and over again. The log is full of that, so I've yet to get
a reasonably useful portion out of that log. I'll try to start with a
clean log tomorrow.
I tried at home with my neighbors wlan where it worked for at least 45
minutes (then he turned it off), but I don't yet know whether this was
simply due to a longer leasetime or something similar.
Does anyone know of a live-CD which contains those drivers? This way I
could likely rule out a problem with Arch.
I'll try to get a useful log tomorrow and maybe I can test some more
with my neighbors wlan for comparison.
I am currently also trying to get a broadcomm working and the following
may be of some use/value to you.
The broadcomm drivers where changed in kernel-2.6.37 and forward to
It seems if you need to use the old b43 driver/firmware combo you will
need kernel-2.6.36 or earlier.
At least that is what I have came to.
The problem is I can't get the firmware for the new driver because
git.kernel.org is down so I am unable to test. :(