On 02/04/11 12:38, Isaac Dupree wrote:
What happens if you go to an https: site? The data generally cannot
be modified between the server and your browser in that case.
Also... your in-browser proxy choice works around the ISP proxy?
(Is the cable operator trying to be unpopular while making ad-money?)
Sorry I forgot to add that.On more trial and error - I see
1> on https no ad is displayed
2> Even on ftp sites no ad is displayed.
Only happens with pages on http://.
Another interesting thing, after installing adblock-plus, an x mark is
displayed on http pages just where the ad used to be.After
right-cliking, i see an url* in adblock plus
filter blocking dialog.Interestingly my ISP is also running squid on streamride host which is evident by trying to connect to
random ip addresses and seeing the error page.