On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 1:10 AM, David C. Rankin <drankinatty@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Guys, > > I'm working on a second set of pkgbuild for Trinity that do the svn download > for you and work like normal pkgbuilds for other svn projects. > > One issue I'm having is getting the "finished package name" to include the svn > revision as $pkgver instead of the initial (eg. pkgver=9999). > > The bottom line is if I update pkgver in build() it isn't used when the final > package is written. If I only update it between build() and package() then the > final package gets the correct svn rev as $pkgver, but all messages during build > are wrong. > > So I end up updating the pkgver in build() and then between build() and > package(). That doesn't seem right. > > The problem seems like a scope issue for pkgver. If set in build() pkgver > isn't seen globally in the PKGBUILD script, even though it is declared with > global scope and updated in build(). > > Can somebody familiar with PKGBUILDs give the following a quick look to make > sure it is reasonable and I'm not biting my myself by the double call to update > pkgver? > > http://www.3111skyline.com/dl/dt/trinity/arch/pkgbuild/svn/PKGBUILD-tqtinterface.svn > > Thanks! > > -- > David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E. > makepkg includes some magic to adjust the $pkgver - however the variables have to be named _svntrunk and _svnmod. See man PKGBUILD, section DEVELOPMENT DIRECTIVES.