On 08/17/2010 05:59 PM, Magnus Therning wrote:
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 15:51, Rafael Beraldo
<rafaelluisberaldo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Coincidently, I've just installed it here, and it works pretty well. Just
remember that, for instance, if you want to use XMPP, you have to install
telepathy-gabble; If you want to use MSN, you have to install
telepathy-butterfly and so forth.
Yes, got gabble installed. Using the settings that work in pidgin, still it's
stuck on something; not connecting, not throbbing the top-right
indicator-thingie... nothing.
you have logs in empathy and it might find some clues there. I'm using
it with gmail and jabber.org and everything works as expected