At Montag, 25. Januar 2010 03:55 Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote: > I know this is a going to be a probably tiresome discussion revived but > I'd like to get this over with. I've been meaning to do it for a while now. I support your opinion and use an own package for cdrtools but for me there was a realy showstoper what i have read in a discussion on the forum: There is no one who wants to maintain a cdrtools package. So for me everyone has the right to have his own opinion and if there is no dev who wants to maintain cdrtools than we risk to discuss a theoretic thing. > My issue is that the cdrtools substitute cdrkit that Arch currently > officially provides is not actively developed (current to last stable > was around a year) and is technically inferior to cdrtools. cdrkit still > does not generate proper iso-level-3 file systems and has trouble with > big file support. This makes proper blu-ray creation hard. My upstream > bug report on their mailing list was completely ignored, for example [1]. This is another reason to stay with the original. Thanks for this information. See you, Attila