At Fri, 2 Oct 2009 10:47:24 +0300, Roman Kyrylych wrote: > IMO web apps should not even be packed as packages. > It's easy to download sources from an official site and install > in whatever user's webserver directory is. > Yes, packaging a webapp is nice for automatic upgrading with pacman, > but users can have multiple web servers with multiple vhosts in /srv, > so often installing something there won't make it working anyway, > and user will copy/move/symlink the app to whatever directory is right for > user's webserver config scheme, which is against the idea > that package files (except configs) should not be touched by user, > but only by package manager. If user wants big hosting he should install all files by himself. If user touches pacman-installed files he shout at his leg. But in referenced bug webapp is phpmyadmin (if I don't mistale it had more than 100 votes on aur). This app also usefull on localhost and has no need to copy it to vhosts directories. There are people who want it to be packaged and there are people who want to maintain it.