Thank you! This works fine!
Greetings :)
Am Jul 20, 2009 um 9:45 AM schrieb Damien Churchill:
2009/7/20 Dario <carotinobg@xxxxxxxx>:
In data lunedì 20 luglio 2009 06:48:00, Tim Gelter ha scritto:
"Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new
window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or
your system."
Mmm I remember something like this happening on Windows (*cough*)
machines at
school. The solution was to clear the hidden Application Data (or
what is
called) folder under Documents and Settings. Here probably is
something like a
lock file, I think.
Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale!*
In ~/.config/mozilla/firefox/[profile] there will be 2 files, "lock"
and ".parent_lock" that need to be removed, at least those are the
offending 2 when this has happened to me.