First off, I don't like modifying config files. But, given I did this
update and still managed to screw my system up when testing it with a
So it is a question of which I hate more; post install messages or
automatically fixing the file.
A post install message means that I tell all complaining users that they
should have read their pacman output. But hang on, they are already
told that there is a .pacnew file for what is a very important config
file. So I can say that anyway. So here is my prototype install file...
if [ -f "/etc/inittab.pacnew" ]; then
echo "You are being very stupid if you did not take notice of that
warning about a .pacnew file"
A simple sed of the config file means much, much less complaining
users. And given the number of complaints I got about libjpeg7 (wheres
the thanks now gtk and kde are working?), I am very, very tempted just
to do the sed.