David Rosenstrauch wrote:
Gerhard Brauer wrote:
Am Donnerstag, den 09.07.2009, 09:27 -0400 schrieb David Rosenstrauch:
Anyone have contact info for the rit.edu mirror? It doesn't appear
to have been updated since June 30.
I have contacted on Tuesday all mirror admin from the affected US/CA/EU
mirrors, which are not synced and have all the same lastsync time.
Only CA mirror http://mirror.twilightlair.net/arch is synced again from
this block.
I'll write a mail tomorrow again i nothing happens.
Gerhard "gerbra"
Thanks much for the update!
Just wondering: any way we could post status on a web page somewhere
on the last time each mirror has synched? (And, for bonus points,
maybe a 1-line status comment for each, where someone could post a
message indicating what the status is of any issues that mirror is
Such as http://users.archlinux.de/~gerbra/mirrorcheck.html