kde-unstable install - Round 2 - There is a BUG here...

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	Here is the situation after the difficulty I had installing kde-unstable on 
the x86_64 box where I finally just installed with '-f', I have the exact 
setup on an i686 box where I am trying to install kde-unstable, but this time 
finding a way to do it without resorting to the '-f' option. On the box, I 
have kdemod3 installed and configured and I have never specifically installed 
kde4 from anywhere (I guess I got it by default with the Arch install).

	So far, all packages for kde-unstable have been downloaded to the i686 box 
when I tried to install kde-unstable with 'pacman -Sy kde kde-extragear'. 
There were 20000+ lines of conflicts of the following type:

error: could not prepare transaction                                                                                                        
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)                                                                                     
/usr/share/apps/color-schemes/Zion.colors exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-
colorschemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                             
/usr/share/apps/color-schemes/ZionReversed.colors exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-colorschemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                     
/usr/share/icons/mono/128x128/animations/process-idle.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'               
/usr/share/icons/mono/128x128/animations/process-working.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'            
/usr/share/icons/mono/16x16/animations/process-idle.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                 
/usr/share/icons/mono/16x16/animations/process-working.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'              
/usr/share/icons/mono/22x22/animations/process-idle.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                 
/usr/share/icons/mono/22x22/animations/process-working.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'              
/usr/share/icons/mono/32x32/animations/process-idle.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                 
/usr/share/icons/mono/32x32/animations/process-working.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'              
<snip 20000 lines>

	Literally, thousands and thousands of conflicting files. For full details 
(100k) see:


	So on good advise, I set about to remove the conflicts by removing kde4 
before trying to install kde4 from kde-unstable -- no joy, same conflicts:

[17:40 supersff:/home/david] # pacman -Rs kde
kde not found, searching for group...        
:: group kde:                                
    kdebase-runtime  kdelibs  kdemultimedia  
    Remove whole content? [Y/n]              
checking dependencies...                     
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: k3b: requires kdelibs                                             
:: k3b: requires kdemultimedia                                       
:: k9copy: requires kdebase-runtime                                  
:: kdiff3: requires kdelibs                                          
[18:02 supersff:/home/david] # pacman -Rs kde k3b k9copy kdiff3      
kde not found, searching for group...                                
:: group kde:                                                        
    kdebase-runtime  kdelibs  kdemultimedia                          
    Remove whole content? [Y/n]                                      
checking dependencies...                                             

Remove (16): kdiff3-0.9.95-1  k9copy-2.3.2-1  k3b-1.66.0alpha2-1  polkit-
qt-0.9.2-1  normalize-0.7.7-3  vorbis-tools-1.2.0-3  
             mpg123-1.7.3-1  cdrdao-1.2.2-2  kdemultimedia-4.2.4-1  kdebase-
runtime-4.2.4-1  kdelibs-4.2.4-2  strigi-0.6.4-2  exiv2-0.18-1  
             soprano-2.2.3-1  clucene-0.9.21b-1  phonon-4.3.1-2                                                                             

Total Removed Size:   213.03 MB

Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] 
( 1/16) removing kdiff3                             
( 2/16) removing k9copy                             
( 3/16) removing k3b                                
( 4/16) removing polkit-qt                          
( 5/16) removing normalize                          
( 6/16) removing vorbis-tools                       
( 7/16) removing mpg123                             
( 8/16) removing cdrdao                             
( 9/16) removing kdemultimedia                      
(10/16) removing kdebase-runtime                    
(11/16) removing kdelibs                            
(12/16) removing strigi                             
(13/16) removing exiv2                              
(14/16) removing soprano                            
(15/16) removing clucene                            
(16/16) removing phonon                             
[18:03 supersff:/home/david] # pms kde kde-extragear
:: Synchronizing package databases...               
 kdemod-legacy is up to date                        
 kde-unstable is up to date                         
 core is up to date                                 
 extra is up to date                                
 community is up to date                            
 archlinuxfr is up to date                          
kde package not found, searching for group...       
:: group kde (including ignored packages):          
    kdeaccessibility-colorschemes  kdeaccessibility-iconthemes  
kdeaccessibility-kmag  kdeaccessibility-kmousetool  
    kdeaccessibility-kmouth  kdeaccessibility-kttsd  kdeadmin-kcron  kdeadmin-
ksystemlog  kdeadmin-kuser            
<snip packages to be installed>

Total Download Size:    0.00 MB
Total Installed Size:   1470.55 MB

Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
checking package integrity...    
(272/272) checking for file conflicts               
error: could not prepare transaction                                                                                                        
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)                                                                                     
/usr/share/apps/color-schemes/Zion.colors exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-
colorschemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                             
/usr/share/apps/color-schemes/ZionReversed.colors exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-colorschemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                     
/usr/share/icons/mono/128x128/animations/process-idle.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'               
/usr/share/icons/mono/128x128/animations/process-working.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'            
/usr/share/icons/mono/16x16/animations/process-idle.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                 
/usr/share/icons/mono/16x16/animations/process-working.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'              
/usr/share/icons/mono/22x22/animations/process-idle.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                 
/usr/share/icons/mono/22x22/animations/process-working.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'              
/usr/share/icons/mono/32x32/animations/process-idle.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                 
/usr/share/icons/mono/32x32/animations/process-working.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'              
/usr/share/icons/mono/48x48/animations/process-idle.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                 
/usr/share/icons/mono/48x48/animations/process-working.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'              
/usr/share/icons/mono/64x64/animations/process-idle.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                 

	Grrrrr. Same conflicts, what in the world is going on? The nearly identical 
gory details (99k):


[18:21 supersff:/home/david] # pacman -Q | grep kde | grep -v kdemod3

	OK, what is 'accessibility' and where is the conflict?

[18:26 supersff:/home/david] # pmq -s | grep accessibility
    A library providing a set of interfaces for accessibility
local/kdemod3-kdeaccessibility 3.5.10-1 (kdemod3-complete kdemod3-vanilla)

	Huh?? kdemod3 is this issue??? Damn! Why can't I have kdemod3 and kde4 
installed side-by-side and why can't I install kde-unstable if kdemod3 is 
installed. kde3 & kde4 can exist side-by-side just fine. What gives?? OK, 
fine, I'll blow kdemod3 away and try again 

	(Note: I really did not want to have to do this...)

pacman -Rs kdemod3-complete basket compizconfig-backend-kconfig filelight 
ksensors qcad

	OK, now both kde and everything related to kdemod has been torpedoed. 

Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
checking package integrity...
:: File pilot-link-0.12.3-4-i686.pkg.tar.gz is corrupted. Do you want to 
delete it? [Y/n]
error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package)
pilot-link-0.12.3-4-i686.pkg.tar.gz is invalid or corrupted
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

	Oh for goodness sake!

[18:39 supersff:/home/david] # pms kde kde-extragear
:: Synchronizing package databases...               
 kdemod-legacy is up to date                        
 kde-unstable is up to date                         
 core is up to date                                 
 extra is up to date                                
 community is up to date                            
 archlinuxfr is up to date                          
kde package not found, searching for group...       
:: group kde (including ignored packages):          
    kdeaccessibility-colorschemes  kdeaccessibility-iconthemes  
kdeaccessibility-kmag  kdeaccessibility-kmousetool  


Total Download Size:    0.47 MB
Total Installed Size:   1550.16 MB

Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
:: Retrieving packages from extra...
 pilot-link-0.12.3-4...   477.9K  126.3K/s 00:00:04 
checking package integrity...                                                                                                               
(299/299) checking for file conflicts               
error: could not prepare transaction                                                                                                        
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)                                                                                     
/usr/share/apps/color-schemes/Zion.colors exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-
colorschemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                             
/usr/share/apps/color-schemes/ZionReversed.colors exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-colorschemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                     
/usr/share/icons/mono/128x128/animations/process-idle.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'               
/usr/share/icons/mono/128x128/animations/process-working.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'            
/usr/share/icons/mono/16x16/animations/process-idle.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                 
/usr/share/icons/mono/16x16/animations/process-working.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'              
/usr/share/icons/mono/22x22/animations/process-idle.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                 
/usr/share/icons/mono/22x22/animations/process-working.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'              
/usr/share/icons/mono/32x32/animations/process-idle.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                 
/usr/share/icons/mono/32x32/animations/process-working.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'              
/usr/share/icons/mono/48x48/animations/process-idle.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                 
/usr/share/icons/mono/48x48/animations/process-working.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'              
/usr/share/icons/mono/64x64/animations/process-idle.png exists in both 
'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeaccessibility'                 

	WTF???? This is a BUG, there isn't a damn thing installed and still I get 
20000 lines of conflicts.... The same conflicts..... OK, let's disable kdemod-
legacy in pacman and try once again.

[18:46 supersff:/home/david] # vi /etc/pacman.conf
[18:46 supersff:/home/david] # pms kde kde-extragear
<snip SAME damn conflicts>
	Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
[18:46 supersff:/home/david] #

	I give up ;-(  I'm pulling out the Nuclear option. I have uninstalled 
everything related to kde and kde-unstable still will not install. This has to 
be some type of bug. I'll report back after I get my system installed and 

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
Telephone: (936) 715-9333
Facsimile: (936) 715-9339

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