On Friday 22 May 2009 14:28:34 Thomas Bächler wrote: > Shridhar Daithankar schrieb: > > I have netfs in my daemons list and experience similar hangout with a nfs > > mount.I start it in background but I doubt that should matter. > > It depends on the order. netfs should be in the DAEMONS list after > network (or net-profiles or whatever you use to connect), so that it > will be shut down before network. Yes. It is in correct order. network followed by @netfs > > You have to see "Unmounting Network Filesystems" before your network is > shut down (backgrounding is ignored on shutdown). If you see it and it Yes. I see that. > still hangs, then we may have a bug. See /etc/rc.d/netfs for further > reference. Rereading mails, I realized that "hang" is not the proper description. It just takes long time, a minute or more. Funny thing is there is only one nfs mount and it gets unmounted instantly if done by hand. Some day I will debug it. Not a pressing problem for the time being. -- Shridhar