Hello together, my question is about that if the toolchain update comes do i have to do it to get no problems with the rest of my system or can i wait if i find patches or hints to solve possible problems with my own packages? For the case that i can wait i will block the upgrade of this packages: * gcc{,-libs}-4.4.0-1 * glibc-2.9-7 * bintuils-2.9-7 * kernel-headers- And i will stay from this point on with kernel26- My next question is that i want to know if this will be enough or should i block more packages? The base is that i still stay with kde3 which i have packaged in the arch way (one package at example kdenetwork) but with the sources from kdemod3. It is no question that this is my problem and has to be solved only by myself but perhaps anyone has some good hints or a url to informations about it. See you, Attila