Hi everybody, today I uploaded the so called "first try" of 4.2 into [testing]. Those packages are not the final one yet, but damn close. There are only two known upstream showstoppers; which will be fixed by new packages soon. See http://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?keywords=kde-4.2.0-blocker. On our site only mysql is blocking a release to [extra]: http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/12798 In addition to this kde-l10n-et seems broken. So please take the chance and check those packages. An update from 4.1 should be quite smooth. And even if you hated KDE 4.1, give 4.2 a try; it really rocks. :-) If you notice any regression, showstopper or problems during the update, please report them. Packages for x86_64 should be available on your favourite mirror soon; Andrea will build i66 packages tomorrow. Greetings, Pierre -- Pierre Schmitz Clemens-August-Straße 76 53115 Bonn Telefon 0228 9716608 Mobil 0160 95269831 Jabber pierre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WWW http://www.archlinux.de