On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 3:58 PM, David Rosenstrauch <darose@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > On my desktop machine, it seems like any time a GUI app needs to launch a > console app, the default is to launch it in an xterm window. But as I'm a > hardcore KDE user, I'd like to change that default to konsole. Wasn't able > to figure out where this setting is to override it, however. "set | grep > xterm" didn't turn up much of relevance, and I couldn't see any KDE setting > to override it either. Anyone know how to tweak this? This is probably going to vary wildly. For gnome apps, it's probably some gnome control center setting. GTK apps probably get it from another place. Looks like konqeror uses something like this: http://developer.kde.org/documentation/tutorials/dot/servicemenus.html So basically, this is a non-answer. I'm trying to say, that there's probably no global way to do this without just symlinking xterm to konsole 8)