Ondřej Kučera wrote:
Christian Babeux wrote:
I recently updated my laptop, and it updated JRE and JDK. After that
update Eclipse won't start. I don't know if it need rebuilding because
I saw on the dev list that we are no longer using Sun's JVM and opted
for the open-source one (openjdk) (correct me if I am wrong) ?
Anyway here the relevant versions of the packages :
eclipse 3.4.1-1
jdk 6u11-1
jre 6u11-1
If you're using jdk/jre from community, it is still the Sun's Java
implementation. You'd have to remove it and then do pacman -S openjdk6
to switch.
Don't know what's wrong with Eclipse though.
I attached the Eclipse log file with this message.
*EDIT*: For some reasons the list wouldn't let me post the log file so
here a link:
Perhaps try to do some googling about the errors from lines 11 and 25.
Actually, all the lines of the pattern "Bundle
was not resolved." are suspicious too. Seems like eclipse can't find
many of its plugins. Try to look for these files whether you have them
somewhere. Didn't you use some auto-update that might have failed or
Have you run Eclipse recently, Christian? (i.e., since after recent
Eclipse upgrades) Because I've found that sometimes my workspace
becomes incompatible with newer versions of Eclipse. So try creating a
new workspace maybe and see if you still have the problem.