Tiago Pierezan Camargo wrote:
I don't have a Eee PC, so I am only guessing. Probably, your initrd
image is missing the usb/sd/mmc modules. I don't know exactly which
modules are necessary, but you can try to add usb to the HOOKS section
of /etc/mkinitcpio.conf just before the lvm2. You may also have to
manually add some modules to the MODULES section, like mmc_core.
Carlos A M Filho escreveu:
I am trying to install ArchLinux 2007.08-2 on an Eee PC 701 4G using
LVM, to span the SSD and a 2G SD card. I followed the instructions at:
However, after I finish the installation process and reboot, the
system claims it cannot find all physical volumes belonging to the
volume group and hangs.
Before the installation, I used cfdisk to partition the system like this:
/boot: /dev/sda1, 20M (it does not run out of space)
/: /dev/sda2 + /dev/sdb1, the rest of the SSD and all the SD card.
No swap partition.
Thank you for the precious information. However, I could not find any
module called mmc_core among the ones available in the installation
live-cd. Using hwdetect tool shows this module is not loaded at boot either.
Did anybody else try to do this process? If so, please share your
experience about how to set up LVM in the Asus EEE PC 701 4G (SSD + SD
Card); which modules and hooks to include in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf, etc.
Thanks In Advance.
Carlos Filho